Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine Carù - 1
Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine Carù - 1
Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine Carù - 1

Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine


CORDUROY WAXING AND GLAZING MACHINE C4 for the laying of wax or glazing chemicals or water-repellent products.
- waxing group for cold or hot wax composed of one stainless steel container heated by electricity, one steam heated coating cylinder, one reverse metering roll and cloth pressing cylinder.
- glazing group composed of two chrome-plated big cylinder of 320 mm diameter, heated by steam, and 4 glazing cylinders covered with wool felt of 175 mm diameter
- automatic passage of seam cloth with opening and closing of glazing rollers.
- N°.2 cleaning brushes for the right and reverse side of the cloth, placed at the outlet of the machine.

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Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine

Corduroy Waxing Glazing machine

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